Management Systems & Documentation

Management Systems
Management Systems are systematic frameworks designed to manage an organisation’s policies, procedures and processes and promote continual improvement within.

The implementation of proven and effective Management Systems can assist a business to improve operations, manage risk and promote stakeholder confidence.

Adelaide OHS Consultants can assist your business to develop, implement and integrate a complete Management System that comprises of all three elements – Work Health Safety, Quality and Environment or we can focus on the area(s) that you feel may best assist your business.

WHS – AS/NZS 4801 Safety Management Systems
Health and safety in the workplace is a key issue for every business. A Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) can help you protect yourself and your workers – this is a framework that will allow you to systematically identify and control your health and safety risks, reduce the potential for accidents and ensure you are complying with relevant Work Health and Safety legislation.

AS/NZS 4801 sets out the requirements you’ll need to meet for an effective WHSMS based on established Workplace Health & Safety standards, they are designed to work for businesses of all sizes and across all industries.

Quality – AS/NZS ISO 9001 System
A Quality Management System (QMS) integrates the various internal processes within the organisation and intends to provide a process approach. A process based QMS enables the organisation to identify, measure, control and improve the various core business processes that will ultimately lead to improved business performance.

Establishing a Quality Management System is to provide a documented approach for developing or improving processes through a structured approach.

Documented processes help in the following ways:

  • Processes are optimised when best practices are documented.
  • Processes do not become person-dependent – any new worker knows how to do the work.
  • Key activities run smoothly when responsibilities and accountability is clearly assigned.
  • Defects are easier to capture and eliminate at the earliest stage.
  • Prescribed corrective actions can be taken as soon as inadequacies occur.
  • Written changes in procedures and policies reduce ambiguity and increase change control in the environment.
  • Consistent process measures help gauge if everything is going well.
  • Better understanding of processes ensures compliance in service delivery.

The Quality Management System not only provides a structure and framework, it also ensures the rigor of an audit mechanism that enforces corrective action. Continuous improvement happens within all processes in a systematic manner.

Environment – AS/NZS ISO 14001
An Environment Management System (EMS) is a tool for managing the impacts of a business’ activities on the environment. It provides a structured approach to planning and implementing environment protection measures.

An EMS monitors environmental performance and enables regular checks of a company’s environmental performance. An EMS integrates environmental management into a company’s daily operations, long term planning and other quality management systems.

Policies and procedures are living documents, reviewed periodically and updated as necessary to ensure accuracy and relevancy. They will assist an organisation and its workers in understanding their obligations and responsibilities. Each individual must meet their obligations regarding health and safety as specified under the work health and safety legislation.

Apart from a WHS/OHS Policy, a business may include other policies and procedures which manage risks, protect workers and look after their general health and well-being, such as, but not being limited to:

  • Bullying
  • Drugs & Alcohol
  • First Aid
  • Hazardous Manual Tasks – formally known as Manual Handling
  • Hazardous Substances
  • Induction
  • Noise Control
  • PPE
  • Rehabilitation
  • Remote/Isolated Work